Have you ever wondered what we get up to during the week in the Church Centre?
Well here’s a brief overview. We don’t limit ourselves to room rentals, though a large variety of groups do meet here on a regular basis including: Magic Carpet Thespians, Kick Boxing, Yoga, T’ai Chi, Morris Dancing, Inclusive Exeter, Forum, Exeter Civic Society, Lace Making, a host of U3A groups and many other groups…to name a few!
Added to this, there are concerts, social events, conferences and training courses…and even the occasional Church Pantomime…to name a few!
As part of our Church giving, we also make rooms available for free, or at reduced rates for groups such as Food Cycle, Food Bank, St Petrocks, Brownies, and ALaN Club…to name a few! Additionally, we also run several groups ourselves and these include: Family café with Church Mice, Mini Mints, Knitting and Hand-craft group, an Afghan Refugee Social group, Prayer and Bible Study groups, Fellowship Group and a weekly coffee morning. The Welcome Area is often teeming with life these days (especially in the mornings). None of these groups could run without the leadership, help and support of volunteers, for which we are so grateful.
We would really encourage and welcome more of our Sunday Church Community to come along and be a part of our weekday Church Life. We would also value your prayerful support for all our weekday groups.
If you want to know more about any of these groups, please do pop in during the week and have a chat with Chris, Lesley, Emma or Steve. During the next few months, one of the groups will be featured in detail in the Forward Magazine, to give you further insight and information.