Discover who we are and what we do
Who We Are
Welcome to our Church and Community Centre. We are situated at the top of Fore Street in the heart of Exeter City Centre only a couple of minutes away from the High Street. We are a large, vibrant, diverse community of people with links to many countries. Apart from meeting for worship and fellowship on Sundays, we are also open from Monday to Friday every week for a variety of groups as well as being open for coffee and tea on Wednesday mornings.
Whatever your age, background or culture, you will always receive a warm welcome and find that the Mint is a place to belong. Whenever you visit, we hope you will feel at home with us.

At the Mint:
We worship through the week in prayer groups, house groups, Bible Study – and at 10.30 on a Sunday morning.
We are home to an English speaking and a Korean speaking church family.
Our worship is varied, with a strong musical tradition
Whenever we meet, we seek to open up an encounter with God, learn more about God’s pattern for the world, and remember Jesus – God’s good news
At The Mint we try to:
Create a place of good news in today’s world – grace, hope, acceptance and reconciliation
Be a community where everyone is welcome, with all our different ways of living and believing
Think about life’s big questions and take seriously some of faith’s answers, allowing room for mystery and uncertainty
Walk alongside one another when life’s journey gets difficult
Inspire people to work for a better world, with a passion for justice and deep care for creation
Give attention to some of the things the world neglects, like humility, peace, kindness, gentleness, self control
We don’t always get it right! But we try to make God’s love real in our little bit of Exeter.
You can come as you are.
Pastoral Care
The Mint strives to be a welcoming church to those attending worship for the first time or visiting us and to members of organisations who use our facilities.
Our Church Facilitator, Administrator and reception volunteers provide a welcoming environment to those using the Mint during the week.
Mutual friendship and support are provided by housegroups and prayer groups,
Our Door Welcome team and Stewards ensure that people attending worship for the first time and visitors are made to feel at home.
Our mission of pastoral support is underpinned by a strong and dedicated network of around forty pastoral visitors who each have a responsibility of care for a number of members of our church community. A team of three pastoral coordinators jointly oversee and support our pastoral visitors, liaising with them and our Minister regarding areas of concern or celebration, requests for home communion, visits and prayer requests.
Forward Magazine
Keep up to date with our monthly news from our Forward Magazine which can be downloaded or read in a booklet format from our website
Our Centre & Staff
Our Centre is open thoughout the week for church led activities and many community run activities
Our Welcome Area is often teeming with life these days (especially in the mornings). None of these groups could run without the leadership, help and support of volunteers, for which we are so grateful.
Our Staff Team
Church Centre Facilitator: Chris Ware email:
Evening Facilitator: Emma Fernando email:
AV Facilatator & Website: Jon Cordery: email:
Bookings Secretary: Lesley Mehigan email:
For More info on our Centre (Including Room Hire) & What’s on click the relevent buttons below.
Worship at the Mint
Our main worship service is every Sunday at 10.30am. Once a month we have a worship group called New Life Worship that meet at 4pm and also an evening service once a month which is a communion service. Find out more about our worship by clicking the worship button or click the buttons below that to look spacificly at the different services we offer.
Korean Congreation
We are very fortunate to have a Korean Congregation at the Mint, Many who are active in our Church activities thoughout the week. We have two Sunday Korean Services and two united English services in a month. We have many korean children who join our Young Church and Teen group every sunday.
to find out more about our Korean Congregation follow the link below