Letter from A Rocha UK
Earlier this year the Mint achieved the Bronze Award under A Rocha UK’s Eco Church scheme. The Church Council subsequently decided to make a donation to support the Eco Church programme. Below is A Rocha
UK’s reply.

Thank you very much for the donation of £50 from Mint Methodist Church towards A Rocha UK. We are very grateful to your church for helping to support the costs of our Eco Church programme. Please pass our thanks on to all concerned. In just 6 years since Eco Church was launched, we have met our ten year goal to reach 10% of churches across England and Wales. That’s over 4,700 churches across England and Wales now part of the Eco Church community, with more than 1,500 awards achieved. We are now looking forward, over the next five years, with a new goal to reach 25% of churches across the UK, working in conjunction with Eco Congregation in Scotland and Northern Ireland. You are part of this growing community of churches committed to making a difference to the future health of this planet. We invite you to join us this year in speaking out and acting to protect and restore God’s beautiful earth. We will continue to join with other Christian NGOs through the Churches Environmental Issues Network to identify priority issues to campaign on in 2022 in the run up to COP27 later this year. Keep up to date with current topics, what we’re doing and how you and your church can get involved on our news page: arocha.org.uk/news. We’ve also got some ideas there to help you enjoy nature this year. You can find the latest Eco Church news here: ecochurch.arocha.org.uk/news. Pray with us every week for an aspect of our work: arocha.org.uk/prayer-diary. By helping to support the running costs of our Eco Church scheme, your church is enabling us to keep the scheme free to access for all churches, irrespective of size and denomination, and to improve the resources and advice we can make available to churches. Thank you so much for partnering with us.