Our Charity of the year 2023 was Médecins Sans Frontières and we managed to raise an amazing total of £4837.19. Thank you to everyone for their generosity for this very worthwhile cause.

Our Charity of the year 2024 is QVSR -Queen Victoria Seaman’s Rest which was established in 1843 as the Seamen’s Mission of the Methodist Church, the Queen Victoria Seamen’s Rest (QVSR) has a long history of serving those in need, both on land and at sea.
Their accommodation in Poplar is well established and provides a safe haven for up to 174 active and retired seafarers, ex-servicemen and other homeless men.
As an island nation with over 95% of our everyday goods coming to our shores by sea they are also committed to providing first class port based welfare services to active seafarers visiting our shores. Our seafarers’ centres in the ports of Tilbury, DP World London Gateway, Felixstowe, Bristol & Immingham provide a warm welcome and pastoral support for those who have spent many months at sea and are far from home.
We will be arranging a number of events throughout the year to support this very essential charity.
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