The Mint’s Annual Church meeting : will take place after the morning service at The Mint on Sunday 27th November. It would be wonderful if as many of you as possible could stay on for this meeting which is important in the life of our church. The detailed agenda has not yet been finalised but will, as always in November, include a review of the draft Mint Annual Report. This is a document that tries to summarise Mint activities over the last year. It is sent to the Charity Commision and published on their website. It then becomes a public document. You can see that it’s important that it is as full and accurate as possible so your input to this review is particularly important. You may also be interested to see what is going on in our church, some of which you may be completely unaware. Unfortunately I will not be present at this meeting and will not be able to access my emails. My thanks go to John Draisey who is helping to organise and record the meeting. Should you like to receive any documents prior to the meeting please contact John directly.

Liz Gayton