Ann and I have now been running ALaN Club for just over a year. When we began we
had more students than tutors. The club is growing and now we need to recruit new
If you have been thinking about offering your time to the ALaN Club, then now would
be the time to get in touch.
The club runs Thursday afternoons 1-30 to 3-30 with a 20-minute coffee break. Tutors sign up each term for a twelve-week stint (although most tutors find they can’t make every one of the 12 sessions). This means tutors only commit a term at a time. Our aim is to have more tutors than we need, so that pairs of tutors can cover for
each other on weeks when they can’t attend.
Tutors work one to one with students often using pre-written resources. Many of our
tutors have no background in education and so find these resources a helpful way to
get started. There are other roles such as helping with coffee, managing the resource
materials or being available to step in if a tutor can’t make it. It is a very supportive
place both for tutors and students.
We have been surprised by the club’s calm and purposeful atmosphere and can
vouch for how rewarding it has been to be part of the club. We hope some of you will
feel that this is something you can support and will come along and join us.
If you want to get involved, have a chat with either Sue Jones or Ann Wisemen who
can answer any questions you might have.
Sue Jones