MHA Sunday is when we come together to celebrate our charity Methodist Homes (MHA) and the value of older people. It offers a time of reflection where we can pray with and for those in later life and those who support them. It raises awareness of future needs and ways to respond. It gives us the opportunity to donate funds to make a difference to the quality of life for older people. This service is about giving thanks and recognising the work of and campaigning for our Church’s specialist care services across Britain.
This year, the theme follows 1 Corinthians 12:12-27- ‘There is one body, but it has many parts. But all its many parts make up one body’. This explores how we need one another for our happiness, highlighting the importance of community and inclusion in making us stronger. For example, MHA continues to campaign for the promised lasting and sustainable social care reform, and to keep it at the top of the political agenda. One voice can do very little, but together we can make our voices heard. Last year MHA Sunday raised £135,000 for green and open spaces, for residents to find beauty, tranquillity and respite. This year the donations will go to intergenerational work. This brings toddlers and children, and older people, enriching each other as they interact. Other activites that have enriched the lives of MHA residents include such events as ‘A Trip to Italy’. After a short film about Rome, some Italian phrases were learnt, and Italian food eaten – without leaving their home. Other residents expressed a wish to feel the sea breeze and sunshine on their faces. So they were taken to the coast. The opportunities are limited only by the imaginations of the dedicated staff.
Angela Martin