On 6th July, the Devon Faith and Belief Forum held its annual Public Meeting here at
the Mint. We were delighted to welcome around 120 people who shared in a
thought provoking and inspiring evening, when renowned speaker Satish Kumar
spoke and led discussion on “Ecology and Spirituality”.

Oneness in Jewish Mysticism
The next monthly meeting of the Exeter Interfaith and Belief Group (EIFBG) will be
held in the Mint Wesley Room at 5.15 pm for 5.45 pm. on Tues 5th September.
Marc Frank will introduce and lead discussion on “Oneness in Jewish Mysticism”.
The meeting will finish at about 6.50 pm All are welcome.

Religious Hate Crime
Hate Crime Awareness Week runs from 8th to 15th October, and this year the specific
focus of the week will be on religion. As part of the lead up to this week, John Heath,
the Diverse Communities Officer for Devon and Cornwall Police, will be leading a
session on religious hate crime at our October EIFBG meeting.
This will be held in the Wesley Room at 5.15 for 5.45 on Tuesday 3rd October.
We hope this will be a hybrid meeting for those unable to attend in person, and all
are welcome.
(NB This is a change to the previously advertised October meeting, which will now
take place in February).

For more information on these and other interfaith events, please contact Andrew Sails. rev.andrew.sails[@]gmail.com