Many of you will have heard that we are starting a monthly Forest Church for families with children of primary age and younger on the afternoon of the first Sunday of each month. Parents/carers are asked to stay and supervise their children. It will be an inclusive setting where we can play, explore and join in wild worship together.
Our first Forest Church will take place on Sunday October 6th from 2.30pm to 3.30pm on the lovely Forest School site at Thomas Hall School on Cowley Bridge Road. This initial session will offer a chance to explore our new home, sharing our awe and wonder at what we find. There will be time to talk as we gather round the fire, as well as activities in the woods and of course marshmallows to toast.
St Paul wrote that God’s ‘invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made’ (Romans 1:20). We hope that spending time amongst God’s wonderful world will help us all come to know God better and, in this time of climate change, also learn to be good stewards of His creation.
If you have children or grandchildren who might be interested, we would love to see you and them! If you’d like any more information, please do get in touch on abigailhardiman@protonmail.com.