The first Church Council meeting of the new Connexional year, and the first chaired by our minister, the Revd Dr Simon Leigh, was held on Wednesday 18 September at 7.30 p.m.

The Treasurer reported that the balance at the end of last year was slightly higher than in the previous year; in addition, grants had been received from the Circuit and the Benefact Trust towards replacement of the boiler, external work in Mint Lane, and the planned installation of solar panels. Bookings revenue was buoyant, and there had been a good response to the Gift Day and in regular giving.

The Annual Returns relating to the property were received. External work on the exterior of the School Buildings was proceeding well. It was agreed to proceed with the first phase of internal improvements, including flooring and lighting in the Old School Room, and to pursue consent and quotations for work on the Priory Room and the adjacent spaces. A scheme for the installation of solar panels had been initiated and part of the necessary funding secured. Attention was drawn to ongoing problems with storage, and the implications for health and safety. The revised Safeguarding Policy was approved and signed, and the importance of following the principles of Safer Recruitment was discussed, especially for leadership roles.

The Council agreed to adopt the Forest Church initiative as a Mint project.

The Circuit Stewards outlined the difficulties of managing such a large circuit with so few staff and described some of the innovative solutions which were being considered.

John Draisey