Election 2024:
As I write this, in a few days we will have the opportunity to cast our vote and be heard. On the 4th July the people will have spoken and the winning party will have the mandate to enact their policies. This was not something that tended to happen in the Old Testament; leader’s either dropped dead, an army arrived or a priest anointed the
next holder of the office. Some even cast lots.

Although we see a few good examples of leadership in the Bible, no leader is perfect.
Even David made some pretty bad mistakes. In modern society we don’t tend to believe our leaders have been given to us as a God given gift. Modern leaders don’t tend to be popular; often their views are controversial and divide opinion, and loving your neighbour doesn’t always appear to be top of the political agenda. Pastorally that is not good news, and we need more from our leaders.

The Bible doesn’t have the greatest guidance for the election, but it does speak about conduct. In Matthew 5:1-12, Jesus blesses the poor in spirit, the meek, the pure in heart, the peacemakers and those being persecuted, amongst other things. He also commends those who do things quietly and warns against double standards.

Although Jesus is thought to be a political figure, he doesn’t talk about which ruler to favour. He does however acknowledge Caesar’s position and says it is right to pay taxes (Mark 12:17). Paul’s letter to Timothy also gives some guidance about what is desired in a leader, although Paul is talking about church leaders and not MP’s.
In 1 Timothy 3:1-3 Paul lists some of these important leadership qualities, and such qualities are just as desirable today as they were back then. So as we navigate this election and the changes that may come with it, pray for our parliament, MP’s, Prime Minister and for this nation. And above all things remember no-one is perfect, we all make mistakes and there should be forgiveness.