We have already had three events supporting our Charity of the Year 2025. Thank to all those who contributed to the retiring collection (£174.00 ) on January 19th when Barbara Easton gave us an introduction to the charity and also to the Teens Group who baked biscuits and cakes and had up some photos of the charity’s work. The food was much enjoyed and raised a further £144.00. There will also be 10% of the panto money which means that over £100 also goes to the Charity.
Ocean Stars supports a variety of projects in Sri Lanka such as building and supporting preschools, digging wells, and providing fishing boats for families. We will once again have various events throughout the year to support the charity. If you want to organise an event, please speak to Barbara Easton or Sue Cordery.
For details of our next 2 events, please see further details in the magazine of the Lunchtime visit from Launceston Male Voice Choir on March 14th at 12 noon. Last year they put on a wonderful concert and we are looking forward to their return visit. Also on Sat 29th March from 2p.m. Peter Cordery has organised a Treasure Hunt around Exminster with refreshments available afterwards at Exminster Methodist Church. Please see further details in the magazine.