by admin | May 2, 2022 | Eco Church, Forward Magazine Featured Articles, News
Letter from A Rocha UK Earlier this year the Mint achieved the Bronze Award under A Rocha UK’s Eco Church scheme. The Church Council subsequently decided to make a donation to support the Eco Church programme. Below is A RochaUK’s reply. View Post Thank you very much...
by admin | May 2, 2022 | Eco Church, Forward Magazine Featured Articles, News
This month Colin Lambert tells us why he invested in an Air Fryer. As energy prices rocket, how is it possible to reduce energy costs in the kitchen? Consider switching to an air fryer to replace most of your oven usage. This is essentially an energy-efficient mini...
by admin | May 2, 2022 | Forward Magazine Featured Articles, Ministers News, News
As some of you know as part of my work over in Sidmouth I was involved in hosting a beach labyrinth which took place on Good Friday. I considered it to be a good success, helped greatly by unseasonably good weather and a low tide! It was unusual in as much as once the...
by admin | Apr 8, 2022 | Eco Church, Forward Magazine Featured Articles, News
Carbon Footprint – Travel survey As part of the Eco Church initiative, we are starting to measure the Mint’s carbon footprint. This is the amount of carbon the church emits through heating, travel, and other activities. We want this to decline towards zero over...
by admin | Apr 8, 2022 | Forward Magazine Featured Articles, Ministers News, News
I don’t know whether you have ever considered the design process of the humble paper clip. Like most people you have probably taken it for granted, after all, we each have a few lying around in one of those drawers dedicated to “items that have no home”. Prior to this...
by admin | Feb 24, 2022 | Forward Magazine Featured Articles, News
Have you ever wondered what we get up to during the week in the Church Centre?Well here’s a brief overview. We don’t limit ourselves to room rentals, though a large variety of groups do meet here on a regular basis including: Magic Carpet Thespians, Kick Boxing, Yoga,...