News from the Mint
Solar panels for the Mint We have now assembled sufficient funding for the solar panel project to go ahead, thanks to the funds raised for ‘green’ projects in our 2023 Gift Day, plus grants from the Benefact Trust and Garfield Weston, together with a smalltop up from...
Charity of the year 2025: Ocean Stars
We have already had three events supporting our Charity of the Year 2025. Thank to all those who contributed to the retiring collection (£174.00 ) on January 19th when Barbara Easton gave us an introduction to the charity and also to the Teens Group who baked biscuits...
Charity of the year 2024: QVSR
Thank you to everyone who supported QVSR during 2024. Our final total amounted to just over £5,000. We are very grateful to Alastair Norris for sharing all the information about the charity over the past year. The following item is his final contribution. “I want to...
Ministers Letter March 2025
Dear One and All,The bags are packed, the house made tidy and we are set to travel abroad. Travel, according to Thenadier in Les Miserables ‘ is a curse’. I am not sure I agree, but if our bags go missing, if our passports are lost or the flight is delayed then I...
Pantomime 2025
Tickets have gone on sale this week for the annual Mint Pantomime This Year - Adventures in Oz. Get your tickets now!
Young Church Sleepover 2024
This is always a highlight of the young church calendar and we had lots of our children and young people in attendance. We took this year’s 3generate theme which was that ‘small actions can make a big difference’, and ‘with God everything is possible’, so Simon and...
Advent Arts and Crafts
Lots of fun was had by all the families who came to share in our free family lunch and arts and crafts afternoon on December 14th . This is a really lovely time where children who have connections with our church community in lots of different ways (Brownies, Mini...
ECO CHURCH NEWS January/February
New Year, New Environmental Outlook Stephen Haddad shares some ideas for environmentally friendly New Year’s resolutions. With Christmas festivities in the past, or soon to be, depending on when you read this, people are starting to think about what 2025 has in store,...