News from the Mint
Treasurer’s Report 2023-24
This has been another economically demanding year due to increased costs especially in fuel and staffing. In addition, with the relocation of Exeter Foodbank and the closing of the District Office things will continue to be hard. However, on a positive side, bookings...
Ministers Letter October 2024
Dear One and All,Every so often I like to pick up a poetry book. You may see me with a copy of John Donne’s poetry or Wilfred Owen or I might start having a read of a Shakespeare play. I try to convince myself I am going to learn the text and spout Shakespeare or some...
Citizens Advice Stand Chance of Loosing Funding in 2025
Citizens advice is always free, confidential and impartial. Just during 2023 Citizens advice say they helped people with 20,000 of their problems! They advise local people, from all ages and backgrounds, who are facing issues with benefits, consumer rights, debt,...
Many of you will have heard that we are starting a monthly Forest Church for families with children of primary age and younger on the afternoon of the first Sunday of each month. Parents/carers are asked to stay and supervise their children. It will be an inclusive...
Weeding and Gardening In the last edition of Forward, John White wrote about needing a volunteer to help with weeding and gardening at the Mint. For some time the Mint Eco Team had been talking about tidying up the front beds, and so a couple of us and a volunteer who...
Mint Charity of the Year 2024 September Update
Since our last report the total raised has risen to £3,110.30 this includes money raised bythe BBQ at the Mosedales,the retiring collection when Alex Campbell and his family visited,and the Music and Cake afternoon.Grateful thanks to all those who organised and took...
The total for Gift Day has reached an encouraging £21,295. A very big thank you to all who have contributedto this excellent total. Gift Aid of around £5000 will be added in due course. This response is particularly helpful at this time as we have lost income from the...
Mint New Life Worship Update September 2024
Mint New Life Worship is an opportunity for experiencing new and different styles of worship at the Mint, once a month. One of the initial aims was to create an opportunity for more accessible worship for younger people. In fact what has developed over the last three...