News from the Mint
Celebrating MHA Sunday 23 July 2023
MHA Sunday is when we come together to celebrate our charity Methodist Homes (MHA) and the value of older people. It offers a time of reflection where we can pray with and for those in later life and those who support them. It raises awareness of future needs and ways...
From the Minster’s Workstation (or garden chair) July/August 2023
At the time of writing the sun is beating down, the temperature is rising and the lawn has my name on it as soon as I get a moment. Summer is looking good and many visitors will be joining us here in Sidmouth for a break and to attend the Folk Festival. We say a warm...
From the Minister’s wireless – June 2023
I recently came across a podcast of a Radio Four program about bereavement. It has been very useful for ministry and really it is for everyone. It was made by the widow of Nick Clark who was a presenter on Look North, later he became more of a journalist and Radio...
The Devon Faith and Belief Forum, which meets regularly at the Mint, will be holding its Annual Public Meeting at the MINT from 6.00 pm to 7.45 pm on Thursday 6th July, when Satish Kumar will speak on "Ecology and Spirituality" We are delighted to welcome Satish, who...
The Living Room – Exeter Foodbank Update June 2023
“Since we opened in October, we have seen 615 clients so far! We now have ECOE (The Community Energy Group), Citizen's Advice, Employment Plus (from the Salvation Army) and Job Centre Plus (JCP) coming in each week. From next week we will also have a regular worker...
Tackling tuberculosis in the slums of Tondo, Manila, Philippines – MSF
More than 650,000 people live clustered in Tondo, an area of about nine square-kilometres stretching between the port and the business district of Manila, one of the most densely populated slums in the world. During COVID-19 prolonged lockdowns and disruptions to TB...
Eco Church News June 2023
Forest Church On Sunday 18th June, young church will spend the morning at “Forest Church” in the forest school near Budleigh Salterton, run by The Outdoors Group. We will get back to nature, experience and explore the wonders of creation, and consider the things we...
MSF – Dealing with conflict in Sudan
Dealing with conflict in SudanMédecins Sans Frontières in Sudan provides lifesaving and impartial medical care to all those who need it, based on medical need alone. Currently, they cannot move due to the intensity of the conflict between the Sudanese Armed Forces and...