Young Church
Friendship | Games | Discussion | Bible Stories | Crafts | Charity Events
Join us Sunday Mornings from 10:30am for those 3 +
Sunday Mornings
We join the congregation for the first part of the service, then leaving for our own groups for the rest of the time. On Communion Sundays, we start in our groups and share in the Communion service and the end of the service with the rest of the congregation.
What Do we Do?
From herding sheep balloons to quizzes and crafts we have fun and everyone’s welcome!
We have a number of events throughout the year including a 3generate sleepover, picnics, forest church, advent & easter craft afternoons and involvement in the Fore Street Flea Markets and Craft Events.
To find out more about Young Church please email Steve Hardiman ( )
We look forward to meeting you!

Teen Group
Friendship | Discussion of Topical Issues | Social Events
For secondary school age and up
Sunday Mornings
The Mint Teen group meets on the second Sunday of each month during the service (at the same time as Young Church) to discuss topical issues of relevance to young people today from a Christian perspective. We join the main service for the first part, usually including an all-age message, before leaving for our own session.
Saturday Socials
In addition to our Sunday meetings, we also get together on one Saturday each month for a social meetup. Our activities have include iBounce trampoline park, an escape room, making pizza and watching a film. Teens are welcome to bring a friend along and we welcome teens from other circuit and city centre churches.
To find out more about the Mint Teen Group please email Stephen Haddad ( )
We look forward to meeting you!