Worship at the Mint
Our main worship service is every Sunday at 10.30am. Once a month we have a worship group called New Life Worship that meet at 4pm and also an evening service once a month which is a communion service. Find out more about these by clicking the buttons below
Worship & Preaching
We are an open and inclusive community of varied theologies and lifestyles which values thoughtful challenging preaching in both traditional and contemporary worship supported by a strong musical tradition and standards.
Notice Sheet
We have a weekly notice sheet that can be viewed or downloaded each week that has the order of service for the service. This sheet is updated usually by the saturday before the service

Young Church
Friendship | Games | Discussion | Bible Stories | Crafts | Charity Events
Join us Sunday Mornings from 10:30am for those 3 +
We join the congregation for the first part of the morning service, then leaving for our own groups for the rest of the time. On Communion Sundays, we start in our groups and share in the Communion service and the end of the service with the rest of the congregation.
Teen Group
Friendship | Discussion of Topical Issues | Social Events
For secondary school age and up
The Mint Teen group meets on the second Sunday of each month during the service (at the same time as Young Church) to discuss topical issues of relevance to young people today from a Christian perspective. We join the main service for the first part, usually including an all-age message, before leaving for our own session.
The Choir
The choir occasionally contribute choral items to various Church services. The Advent Carol Service in December includes carol settings both old and new and is one of the musical high points of the year. In all these activities we remain grateful to Richard Taverner for his inspiration, guidance, good humour, and patience as Director of Music. For the special services we are always pleased to welcome additional singers and instrumentalists; particular mention should be made of Paul Morgan, Organist Emeritus of Exeter Cathedral, who has accompanied the choir on several occasions. Additional singers are welcome.

Music resource
During lockdown, members of the congregation recorded music for worship when live music wasn’t possible. This includes everything from traditional hymns, worship songs, material from the Taize group and original music written by members of the congregation. These recordings are available online for use in worship by anyone who would find them useful and a link can be provided on request
The Taize group
The group sings at the Mint and across the circuit, offering contemplative music and reflective words for worship. Although the group is called the Taize group they also use music from the Iona community and other Wild Goose material. They also try to find and use music from a wide set of global traditions.
Korean Worship
Sunday Korean Service (10.30am)
We have two Sunday Korean Services and two united English services in a month. We are glad to have Korean musical team that lead the first part of the service, and the young church group is run together by the Mint Methodist Church at the same time
If you are Korean or would like to find out what the koreans are doing if you don’t mind a bit of translation – follow a link to their website which you can enjoy, with lots of pictures and sermons and etc.
민트 한인 교회에 오신 것을 환영합니다.
밑의 링크를 클릭 하시면 많은 사진들과 설교 등을 보실 수 있습니다.
See the more about the Korean fellowship on the International page here