The Mint Church Annual Camp

The Mint Church Annual Camp

Friday 17 – Sunday 19 May With sole use of the campsite, the owners telling us to make ourselves at home and “take over”, beautiful views, an amazing sunset, and opportunities for star gazing, it is perhaps no surprise that we returned to Churchill Farm campsite, near...
Mint Mini Market

Mint Mini Market

18th May The Mini Market raised £512.63 10% of this total will be given to the Mint charity for the year with the rest going to Mint funds Very many thanks to all who helped in any way either by providing goods, purchasing goods or helping on the four stalls


Mint litter pick On Saturday 27th April, 7 members of the young church along with parents and helpers, met at The Mint to take part in a litter pick around the city centre. Using council equipment, we collected litter in St Bartholomew’s Cemetery, Cathedral Green, and...