Eco Church
In 2021 the Mint Church registered as an Eco Church, one of over seven thousand in England and Wales, we obtained our bronze award at the start of 2022 and in March 2024 we obtained our Silver Award. We will now be working towards Gold. We realize there are a lot of restraints on what we can do easily due to our older buildings but we are incorporating the theme of care for creation more strongly in our worship and teaching, strengthening the green credentials of our building and the activities that happen in it, working in local and global partnerships with others committed to environmental concerns, and challenging the lifestyle of our members. Our Young Church provided us with the impetus we needed to become greener in our actions as well as our words, and we are determined to pass on to the next generation a church committed to the fullness of God’s creation. We are currently working at building relationships that will enable the church and the many users of the centre to address the issues together, and also at strengthening relationships with those outside the church who share similar aims.
Eco Church News
Solar panels for the Mint We have now assembled sufficient funding for the solar panel project to go ahead, thanks to the funds raised for ‘green’...
ECO CHURCH NEWS January/February
New Year, New Environmental Outlook Stephen Haddad shares some ideas for environmentally friendly New Year’s resolutions. With Christmas festivities...
Eco Church News December 2024
Celebrating Christmas Many of the ways in which we celebrate Christmas cause additional carbon emissions, so can we be environmentally andsocially...
ECO CHURCH NEWS November 2024
UK Energy Generation Many of you will have seen that on 30th September this year the UK’s last coal-fired power station stopped producing...
Flowers planted Following last month’s news about a Mint gardening group that had been started, we’re now pleased to report some further action....
Weeding and Gardening In the last edition of Forward, John White wrote about needing a volunteer to help with weeding and gardening at the Mint. For...
Mint litter pick On Saturday 27th April, 7 members of the young church along with parents and helpers, met at The Mint to take part in a litter pick...
Eco Church News May 2024
Earth Day 2024 In 1969, Denis Hayes was shocked by the sight of an oil spill off thecoast of California, and the devastating impact on the natural...
Eco Church News – April 2024
Young church litter pick On Saturday 27th April the young church will be doing a litter pick in the local area around The Mint. They’ll be using...
Signs designed by young church You may have noticed some signs with an eco-theme appearing around the building in the last couple of weeks. They...
Eco Church News January/February 2024
How to recycle your real Christmas treeFollow Denis the Dustcart on his Facebook page to keep up withinformation about Recycling issues. ECC garden...
Eco Church News December 2023
Think Global Act Local The Exeter churches have prepared for the important United Nations Climate Summit by using it as the theme for the united...

The Young church manifesto in which ecological concerns dominate the “Issues for the Church to help tackle”