News from the Mint
Eco Church News December 2023
Think Global Act Local The Exeter churches have prepared for the important United Nations Climate Summit by using it as the theme for the united city centre service at the Mint on Sunday 26th November at 10.30am. As ever the service is available on the Mint’s YouTube...
Ministers Letter December 2023
From the minister’s Christmas tree Rev Phil Simpkins, who I was at college with, used to be at Seaton which is still in my pastoral charge. He used to love having ,a huge tree. Seaton is quite a bit higher at the rear of the sanctuary than the front and Phil landed a...
Praying for peace in the Holy Land
A prayer from the President and Vice-President of Conference God of peace and compassion, We pray for all impacted by the escalation in conflict in Israel-Palestine For all who are mourning For all who are fearful, today, and for what may lie ahead For all traumatised...
Médecins Sans Frontières Update November 2023
Mint Charity of the Year Following the Service on the 15th October the retiring collection for MSF raised the excellent total of £836 which brings the total raised so far this year to £3536. THANK YOU ! The following pages this month inevitably deal with the...
Prayers for the planet The last category on the weekly list of Prayer Needs is “For the environment”, which was added around a year ago. The observant may have noticed that since then some of the items have appeared 2 or 3 times, so the Eco Church group has recently...
From the ministers dog walks – November 2023
We have had dogs most of our married life and the present canine staff are provided by two spaniels. They need a lot of exercise which I do most of but it’s a quiet time for prayer and thinking about Sunday etc. A lot of people struggle with prayer. Praying out loud,...
Statement in response to the Prime Minister’sannouncement on net zero policies The Methodist, Baptist and United Reformed Churches have issued a joint statement asfollows. “We are dismayed that the Prime Minister is delaying the implementation of policies toachieve...
Médecins Sans Frontières October Update
LIBYA ‘Interview 20 September 2023’ As Médecins Sans Frontières teams in Libya begin medical activities in the cities of Derna and Susah one week after the devastation of Storm Daniel, Manoelle Carton, MSF medical coordinator in Libya, describes the situation on the...