News from the Mint
To go boldly with the Minister – October 2023
Yes, I have previously admitted to being a ‘trekkie’ (someone who likes star trek/science fiction). Well, I have not watched any for a long time. However in between ‘cowboys and Indians in space’ which is basically what it was; upsetting other planets and eventually...
Eco Church News Sept 2023
Mint Centre Users Many more people use the Mint Centre during the week than on a Sunday, contributing to our overall environmental impact and carbon footprint. So with thanks to Lesley Mehigan (Church Centre BookingsSecretary), the text below is now included in the...
Mint Charity of The Year Update Sept 2023
Thanks to Nancy, Roger , Sue and Trevor and all those who took part in the Music and Cakes afternoon, and to Brenda and Stephen for a wonderful BBQ , the total raised for MSF since January now stands at £2,497.10. We will be having a service on October 15th when we...
Interfaith News – Visit of Satish Kumar
On 6th July, the Devon Faith and Belief Forum held its annual Public Meeting here atthe Mint. We were delighted to welcome around 120 people who shared in athought provoking and inspiring evening, when renowned speaker Satish Kumarspoke and led discussion on "Ecology...
From the Ministers Passport – September 2023
If you read 2 Timothy 4:2 “Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction”, this basically means that you must be ready to share the word with someone at all times. You must be ready...
Médecins Sans Frontières Press Release 16 June 2023
Wounded people from Sudan are arriving in waves at Adré hospital in eastern Chad, where they are being treated by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and Ministry of Health teams. At least 242 wounded were received on 15 June alone, and 348 on 16 June. A total of at least...
Mint Charity of the Year
Thank you once again for supporting our Charity of the Year. Recently we have had the Mini May Market (which raised a total of £596.05 - £536.45 to MSF and 10% of the total for the Mint £59.60), and Tea and cakes at Bud’s which has raised £240 (see photos below).Our...
Forest Church In the 2nd of what we hope will become an annual event, 17 young people (11 from The Mint, 3 from Temple in Budleigh, and 3 from Tedburn) descended on the Exmouth Forest school for a Forest Church session themed around finding God in nature, exploring...